Friday, January 8, 2016

Bill Martinez Live show summary 1-8-2016

Listen live at 8 am cst / 9 am est.

Joel Rosenberg-The First Hostage & What the next US president will need to know about Iran and Islamic State.  The author of ten New York Times best-selling international political thrillers explains.

Alex Kinkaid-The Latest Executive Order On Gun Control-What Does It Mean To Main Street America?  Kincaid is a civil attorney with a specialty in the area of the Second Amendment and gun rights.

Jen Horn-Live from the entertainment capital of the world, Hollywood, CA, Jen covers the latest entertainment, TV, cultural, music & Big Screen news.

Doug Schoen-The End of Authority-How a Loss of Legitimacy and Broken Trust Are Endangering Our Future.  It's the latest book from one of the most influential Democratic campaign consultants for over thirty years.

Coach Kevin Collins-Cruz donor problem Will Cruz give back Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs cash? Cruz Pastor Kevin Swanson problem- Will Cruz repudiate a man who calls for killing homosexuals and thinks the Catholic Church wants to legalize pedophilia? Plus, North Korea's H bomb - Is it a threat? He holds a PhD in Public Administration, is former NYPD police officer, Semper Fi Marine and political pundit, Coach breaks it all down for us.

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