Monday, February 22, 2016

Fomenting Freedom on SHRmedia Monday @2PM With Guest Jim Geraghty

On Monday February 22, the Fomenting Freedom radio show with Tami Jackson and Jeff Dunetz (on SHRmedia at 2pm Eastern) will have a special guest: Jim Geraghty, conservative blogger, editor at National Review, author, and Fox News contributor. He publishes the popular "Morning Jolt" newsletter, which has around 400,000 subscribers (including me). Jim is a Fox News contributor and author three books. He was the sole author of the first two, "The Weed Agency" and "Voting to Kill." His most recent, and third book, "Heavy Lifting: Grow Up, Get a Job, Raise a Family, and Other Manly Advice" was co-written with Cam Edwards. On his twitter feed @jimgeraghty, Jim not only shares the political insights you don't find anywhere else but is funny as all hell. It is not an exaggeration to call Jim one of the best reporters/pundits in the world of politics, and his posts at NRO are a daily must read.

Tami and I invited him to appear on the show at the perfect time, just before the "SEC primaries" where the GOP will award 24% of its delegates and the Democrats 21%. Listen as Jim shares what is really going on in the political world (and perhaps listen as we beg him for link or two). Remember at 2PM Eastern every Monday, Tune in to Fomenting Freedom with Tami Jackson and Jeff Dunetz, at And while listening, come into the chat room, ask questions (or just to make fun of this host). Oh and if you haven't as of yet...make sure to follow us on twitter: Jim Geraghty at @jimgeraghty , Tami at@tamij, and me at @yidwithlid.

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