Saturday, February 6, 2016

The “Chain-Link” Theory of the American Collapse

Barack Hussein Obama is indeed incompetent when viewed from the perspective of an American politician who reveres our Constitution, protects our individual Liberty, respects our traditions and moral values, nurtures our dominant political culture, promotes our capitalist economic system and fears God. From his first day in office, Obama has done none of this. In fact he and his administration work every single day to destroy each of these basic, guiding principles of our society and to actively foment anarchy and chaos within our nation.

Viewed from the perspective of a Marxist Communist revolutionary, Barack Obama is highly competent. He has purposely dragged America closer to destruction and collapse and into a Communist transformation more than any other clandestine Marxist has ever achieved. Trust me on this one subject. You will not enjoy living in a Communist society because the only way Marxism works for a brief period of time is for the government to brutally murder millions of innocent people. They do this to inject total fear into the masses in order to control their every action 24 hours a day.

From an analytical perspective, this is what I see happening in the United States of America at this very moment. It is a diabolical process of national destruction being perpetrated by the Radical Left that actually began to take shape incrementally during the Woodrow Wilson administration.

The United States of America is currently going through the initial phases of a Socialist Communist Revolution, straight out of the playbook of Marxist Theory, and its occurring right before our very noses people. Therefore, I humbly present for your consideration The “Chain-Link” Theory of the American Collapse. Individually, each of these links in the Communist Revolutionary chain could not achieve the goal. But when simultaneously combined together, the objective of a Communist transformation is suddenly within reach of the Marxist architects who are clandestinely orchestrating it.

This is how you would proceed if you were purposely attempting to fundamentally change our society and destroy America. See if it raises an alarm bell in you like it has in me. We still have the power to stop and reverse this process, but the time grows short. The next two elections are integral to reversing this Communist Revolution before its too late. Good men and women must act to stop the collapse of America.

The “Chain-Link” Theory of the American Collapse

1. Gut the military and the national defense industry so that our nation is weak and highly vulnerable to enemy attack and invasion. Purge most of the senior military leaders and replace them with incompetent puppets of the regime. Create a rival, armed civilian military/police force, to do the bidding of the Dictator without question.

2. Collapse the capitalist economy with runaway train-wreck spending, extreme unemployment, and devalue the currency so it becomes worthless. Make a majority of people totally dependent on the government apparatus for every aspect of their daily existence. This leads to internal implosion of society.

3. Encourage class and race warfare, creating extreme civil unrest. Play the Blame Game and identify an internal enemy as the villain responsible for the misery and failure of the have-nots in society. Encourage and sponsor anarchy and chaos then offer tyranny as the only viable solution to our national security and longevity. The majority then allows tyranny to flourish and liberty to vanish.

4. Obliterate all borders. Encourage and allow everyone to enter the nation with impunity.

5. Devaluation of the English language with sponsored proliferation of numerous languages as acceptable communication alternatives. Do not formally identify English as our national language and engage in the wholehearted embrace of a diversity of languages.

6. Devaluation of traditional American Culture in preference to extreme diversity. Cultural Warfare also includes destruction of the traditional American family and our family values. Government becomes an advocate of moral decay in society. Discredit the undergirding national culture in favor of extreme diversity and nationalities of all kinds as being equal or superior to our own culture.

7. Discredit the founding documents and the Founding Fathers of our nation using the courts system as your agent of criticism. Devalue and ultimately destroy our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Promote and allow Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness to permeate our society, thus controlling the behavior and thought process of Americans.

8. Attack and devalue Christianity, the Christian religion, its fundamental precepts and icons like Jesus Christ, Christmas and Christmas trees, and religion in general. Promote atheism.

8. Facilitation of politically expedient and politically sponsored corruption. Create a domestic spy network to monitor all citizens then put dissidents in jail for crimes against the state. Later have "show trials" and public executions. Our current DOJ, IRS, NSA and DHS have turned into highly corrupt political bureaucracies.
9. Control of communication and the dissemination of information to include overt repression of the truth and overt proliferation of false propaganda. Hijack the media.

10. Strict control of transportation and energy production.

11. Infiltrate then control the education system and use Marxist propaganda as the undergirding foundation of teaching students about everything.
12. Good men and good women do nothing to stop the destruction.

All of these links in the chain of an American collapse renders our nation overly ripe for national destruction due to internal implosion, which is exactly how Karl Marx predicted that a Communist Revolution would ensue. Obama has done all of these things because it’s all part of his plan and straight out of the Saul Alinsky, Communist Revolution playbook.

COMMUNISM NEVER WORKS (It only works in the faculty lounge or the lecture halls of a University where so-called intellectuals dream of it, or in Hell where the condemned souls already have it).

COMMUNISM ALWAYS FAILS (People are robbed of their incentive and innovation).

COMMUNIST CITIZENS LIVE IN ABJECT POVERTY AND TOTAL MISERY (Except for the leaders of the Communist Party).

Wake up America before we no longer have the ability to stop this collapse of our beloved United States of America. We must elect TRUE CONSERVATIVES during the next two elections. This of course, would represent only the first step in saving our beloved nation and restoring our society’s greatness.

I predict that good men and women will stand up to fight and ultimately save the United States of America from collapse. But the blood of both patriots and tyrants will be spilled into the streets and neighborhoods of America in order to refresh our Tree of liberty.

Let Freedom Ring
God Help Us

Speak the Truth
Endure the Consequences

Randy Arrington PhD

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