Monday, April 11, 2016

TODAY’S (4/11) LID RADIO SHOW @2PM EDT-Guests Steve Deace and Rick Wilson

This Monday (4/11) at 2pm EST, The Lid Radio Show will have two great guests; Radio show host and author Steve Deace in the first half-hour, and Republican strategist and twitter king Rick Wilson,  in the second half.

At 2pm our guest will be Steve Deace, radio star, author, columnist, and (like me) a superhero geek.
Ratlif_WHO__14__-_CopyAccording to Phil Boyce, the man that helped launch Sean Hannity and Mark Levin into national syndication, Steve Deace “is a rising star” that represents “the next generation” in conservative media.

Deace has been influential in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucuses and has already been featured in a slew of national media such as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

He launched the nationally-syndicated “Steve Deace Show” in 2011 and quickly worked his way into five of the top 10 markets in the country—New York City, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and Atlanta (as well as 8 other top 50 markets).

Also a prolific writer, Deace has been a contributor for USA Today, Politico, Business Insider, Breitbart, WND, Townhall, and The Washington Times. He’s also been a guest pundit on all three major cable news networks.

His youth combined with his writing and broadcast ability makes him uniquely positioned for today’s multimedia environment.

Deace lives in Iowa51xWGqailjL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_ with his wife, Amy, and three young children Ana, Zoe, and Noah. He feels that living in the heartland provides him with a grassroots conservative perspective often lacking in a beltway media culture that treats Middle America like flyover country.

Steve's latest book a novel called, A Nefarious Plot has been described as equal parts “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire,” “The Screwtape Letters,” and “Goldfinger.”
New York Times best‐selling author (and my former boss) Ben Shapiro said of the book, “Steve  Deace's  humorous  new book  takes  a wry,  satirical look at the future that faces America if she continues down the path of unchecked  leftism.

Deace's conservatism is unwavering and his strong medicine is worth considering"

The book is available at Amazon by clicking here.

Be sure to follow Steve Deace at , on Twitter @SteveDeaceShow, or Facebook.

Our guest at 2:30 is Republican Strategist/Consultant Rick Wilson, national Republican political strategist and media consultant based in Florida who has produced television for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACS, and corporations. according to his self description "I make ads and do politics. I say things on television you write about later."

therickwilson_1460058085_28Rick Wilson is a Republican political strategist and media consultant with over 20 years of experience in national and statewide candidate campaigns, ballot measures, independent expenditure efforts, corporate and government public affairs, brand management, and crisis communications.

He's helped elect Presidents, Governors, U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, statewide Cabinet officers and state legislators. Intrepid Media has served over 100 candidates, state parties, the national committees, SuperPACS, corporate and association clients since its founding.

The creator of some of the most famous (and infamous) television spots of the last two decades, Rick is one of the GOP's most prominent voices, and the man ABC News called the mastermind behind one of the most brilliant ads of the 2014 cycle. A frequent commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and other networks, he was recently profiled in the New York Times.
Rick writes for The Daily BeastPoliticoThe New York Daily NewsThe Federalist,Independent Journal Review, and Ricochet.

Wilson founded his own firm, Intrepid Media, in 2000. He lives in Tallahassee, Fla., with his wife and two children.

 Politico called Rick Wilson one of the top twenty tweeters. They described his twitter persona as a "master of the political put-down, whimsical zinger and apropos sound bite and a lover of argument to whom everything is fair game.
Wilson’s feed is not for the faint of heart. Liberals [Actually its more than liberals], particularly those who are self-serious, are apt to be driven apoplectic by its constant partisan drumbeat and over-the-top language.
Rick Wilson is a "must follow" on twitter, so make sure to click on @theRickWilson right now and hit the follow button,  you will be sorry if you dont.

We are going to talk to Rick about the reasons for some of the strategy moves we see happening in the 2016, and what to expect during the convention.

Today's show at 2PM EDT on Monday is going to GREAT, so make sure to listen clicking on the SHR Media network link.  And while I’m interviewing Steve and Rick, come into the chat room and ask questions or comment.

Oh and along with every Monday on SHR Media I can be followed at @yidwithlid on twitter, here at The Lidon Facebook, and 5x a week on

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