Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Today's Lid Radio Show @2:00PM (EDT) Special Guest WH Correspondent/Author Fred Lucas

Today’ (8/3) Lid Radio Show  will be a blockbuster, with our special guest, Fred Lucas, White House correspondent for The Daily Signal, who was recently describe by DNC Press Assistant Rachel Palermo as "the a**hole from Fox." Fred is the author of the new book, "Tainted by Suspicion, The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections". You can listen at SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio at 2PM Eastern.

With all the claims about the primary process being rigged and suspicions that the general elections will have issues, Fred’s book and appearance on the show comes at a perfect time.

Four presidential elections were not decided on election day, but were rather decided by another branch of government. And in three cases, large segments of Americans viewed the president as illegitimately selected rather than legitimately elected. "Tainted by Suspicion," tell the story of those four elections along with others whose results were in dispute,. because the closeness of the results and/or the fact that one candidate won the popular vote, the other won in the electoral college and the presidency.  (Then of course there's Bush vs. Gore which had elements of both).

"Tainted by Suspicion" provides a White House correspondent’s perspective of these elections, taking a more reportorial than historical, including interviews with leading experts and politicos about the deals that may have influence the outcome, and lasting consequences of the contests.

Fred and I will be discussing his book along and how it may give context to the 2016 election.

BTW, If the name Fred Lucas sounds familiar it might be because his name was in the news a few weeks ago because he was mentioned by DNC personnel in a few of the emails released by Wikileaks just before the convention in Philadelphia.

Back in May he was freelancing for Fox News, he was trying to get a response from the DNC about the  claims made by Donald Trump at the time that Hillary Clinton was an enabler of her husband's sexual dalliances. Mark Paustenbach, the National Press Secretary for the DNC, told  Press Assistant Rachel Palermo to answer with a simple “We’re not responding at all.”

Luis Miranda the Communications Director for the DNC , responded to Paustenbach with a the question,  “Is there a F**k You emoji?" (Asterisks added).

Fred followed up a few days later asking if the DNC thought Trump's accusation was appropriate. This time when Palermo passed it along to Miranda and Paustenbach, she refered to Lucas as “the a**hole from Fox," and added, “I did some research and there’s still no ‘f**k you’ emoji, unfortunately.”

That is another reason why Fred Lucas will be a great guest because anybody who is called an a**hole by the DNC, and drives them to search for an ‘f**k you’ emoji, has got to be an interesting guest.

Along with his new book"Tainted by Suspicion"   Fred Lucas, is  the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal, has more than a dozen years of political reporting experience and is the author of The Right Frequency: The Talk Radio Giants Who Shook Up the Political and Media Establishment. Lucas has reported for TheBlaze, Fox News,, The Weekly Standard, Townhall, Human Events, the American Spectator, and He holds an MS degree in journalism from Columbia University.

Follow Fred Lucas at The Daily Signal, on  twitter  and Facebook. Also make sure to click here "Tainted by Suspicion, The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections" and buy the book, you will not be sorry.

Today’s show at 2PM EDT is going to GREAT, so make sure to listen clicking on SHR Media network link.  And while I’m interviewing Fred, come into the chat room to ask questions or comment.

Oh and along with every Wednesday (Repeated on Monday and Friday) on SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio I  can be followed @yidwithlid on twitter, here on my ,  on Facebook, and on

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See you at 2PM Eastern.

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