All the leftist stupidity is coming out now. Many progressives are apoplectic. I mean, walking around in tears, bemoaning the end of civilization, that sort of thing.
Some are out in the streets, burning Trump effigies as is done in Iran and other primitive 3rd world regions. Some are openly tweeting for "presidential assassination".
Unbelievable. It's good the election had this outcome, just to expose the stupidity, shallowness, and treachery of the liberal mind.
There was a time that college administrators and professors were generally kind, fair, supportive of freedom of speech and assembly, and truly believed in American exceptionalism.
Too many of these folks have been replaced by the products of the 1960s -- intolerant, leftist, entitled, and self-centered. Their students largely reflect and magnify these qualities.
This disgusting circus acts at some of our colleges and universities is almost unbelievable. There are emerging similarities with the McCarthy era, when incorrect opinions literally got people fired from their jobs.
However, the difference from the 1950s is stark: today's crowd seem to generally hate America, especially white males, and have lowered themselves to standards of tolerance that would have shocked even Joe McCarthy.
Spoiling children never works out well for anyone, particularly the children. "Uncle Sam" has encouraged these children to take on student debt, which he guarantees, albeit without having the money to cover the loans. Cash has streamed into colleges and universities, driving up tuition prices, just like he did with home loans. The only think we know for sure is that this is not sustainable.
When the loans slow up, liberal administrators, faculty and students will find that they are in a real bind. The volume of students / children on the free ride will suddenly discover its not free anymore.
The temper tantrums of today will be mild in comparison to what is coming. It will all work out, but the entire university system, administrators, faculty and students are going to get a crash course in basic economics. They won't like it, but in the end, it will be good for them.
Regarding the craziness that has taken over our campuses, for most of my life I've been trying to understand why some societies function better than others, particularly the United States In the process I developed a theory about social change. My theory attempts to explain what and how it is about Protestantism that makes it work better and I think the growing chaos in American colleges provides an insight.
At the core is freedom with responsibility. From the beginning, I was taught that we are each responsible for our destiny, that we shouldn't expect someone else to save or do for us, but it was a passive message, if we are good we will be saved. I think the great leap forward came with the responsibility of each individual to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. This turned us into active pursuers of our own salvation and, of particular earthly relevance, our betterment.
Far and away the most important two things I was taught were unqualified respect for others, and personal responsibility. I was taught never ever to blame anything or anybody for whatever happens to me, that I alone made my own destiny and luck. I was literally belted on my behind whenever I broke these rules but otherwise I was given incredible freedom to do anything I wanted.
That is no longer the case. Too many kids are not taught that with freedom comes responsibility, except in the most innocuous and meaningless ways. Small wonder that so many students today have a sense of entitlement. That inner drive for personal responsibility for one's self improvement that was a defining characteristic is being lost.
I worry that the damage goes beyond how each individual wastes opportunities to better themselves, in the case of students by learning more from their college experience, and that on a larger scale it is weakening the moral fiber of society.
Why are universities "struggling to balance the free exchange of ideas with students’ growing desire to be shielded from offensive views" in the first place? What they should be doing is teaching these pampered, coddled kids about the Constitution and about what happens in places like Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and theocratic Iran when speech is throttled.
This generation of kids has been coddled like none before, yet also has been manipulated with fervent leftist narratives about injustice. They have no experience nor understanding of what it means to protest against real injustice, so they revert to the form of protesting as a fashion statement.
Close down the colleges. Send them all home to find jobs. See how they like that.
During the Obama Administration's new progressive era, citizens and business somehow became the enemies of our federal government, which launched attacks on us and our rights verbally, legally, and in regulation. The net effect of this was to concentrate power and wealth in Washington and among the smug liberal elites who are certain they know what is best for all of us and that, in our ignorance, we should be forced to comply.
This is expressly not the intent of our limited federal government.
The voters rejected this agenda by voting for the Great Disruptor, Donald Trump. In truth, they would have done it sooner if not stymied by the Progressive narrative that voting against Obama was "racist." Okay, progressives, you got away with that one, but no more.
It's time for a major housecleaning and downsizing in Washington. Let's start today.
America does not want to be ruled by a smug, know-it-all progressive elite that seizes control of the federal government to force us to align with their false leftist narratives.
If Democrats want to be relevant again, they should try using the actual methods of science--assess what works and why, and advocate for more of it--instead of trying to twist and distort isolated facts to fit a predetermined ideological narrative. Progressive economics do not work. They have never worked.
Every twenty or thirty years, Americans forget how disastrous progressive governance is and allow themselves to be manipulated into electing radical leftists to office--Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama most recently.
Since progressive policies would never be accepted at face value, leftists are obliged to lie to us, to manipulate the media, and to use the force of the federal government to coerce compliance. Control over the mechanisms of government and a compliant media confuse Progressives into thinking that they are getting away with it.
The 2016 elections reminded them that the American people, whom they disparage and observe like zoo animals, are not stupid. Progressive government has been turned out of power for the next 20 or 30 years. Good riddance.
This leaves progressives threadbare and empty of ideas. They never had new ideas anyway, just tired old ones that didn't work. May they return to the center, so that we again have two parties that care about all Americans.
Democrats have no power. They will have to run in two years on the basis of what they have done in a Trump Presidency. They have two choices: obstruct, or be constructive.
They can say what they want to about working with Trump, but they're going to have a hard time accommodating themselves to what that means. They have spent the last 8 years running roughshod over the norms of governance, and Republicans--whom they see as worse enemies than Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
It says here that they will obstruct, complain, demonize, whine, criticize, hector, and try to manipulate the media and electorate to go along.
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