Monday, December 19, 2016

Understanding the Donald Trump phenomenon

I've said it before, no candidate is ever going to fit the bill for everyone's wants. What it comes down to is electability, which, with a country as diverse as the U.S., only comes with compromise. Hopefully, not on core principles, but the social justice items require flexibility.

You need to give some in order to get something.

As long as you're basically in the same ideological ballpark, differences can be worked out, if you have a candidate who is willing to learn and change. Obama and leading Democrats have proven incapable of making those changes (incompetence has many forms), which is one of the reasons we are where we are today!

It is becoming clearer that many voters wish us to return to the day envisioned by the Founders of the "citizen candidate," a person who had a successful career outside of government before entering public service.

This is a rejection of the professional political class that has spent the last 40 years telling us what they are going to "do" for us and how they are going to "fight" for us. We have awoken to discover that, instead of helping us, they have dramatically increased Washington's power over us and, to add insult to injury, saddled us with the bill.

I am far from being a fan of Donald Trump. However, there is no doubt that Trump changed the entire dynamic of the 2016 presidential election.

Read the full article at High Plains Pundit.

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