Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New poll: CNN news brand plummeting into oblivion

Think about this folks,  CNN practically invented “cable news” and was the pioneer in the age of 24/7 TV journalism. But, when you attempt to bring down an administration with false accusations and fake scandals you will be dragged to oblivion by your own hubris and lies.

From the Daily Caller:

CNN’s brand has continued to struggle.

CNN, which President Trump has referred to as the “Clinton News Network,” now trails both MSNBC and Fox News in brand perception, according to findings from YouGov. Both MSNBC and CNN have fallen far behind Fox News in recent months.

Respondents were asked, “If you’ve heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?”

Of the three cable networks, only Fox News scored a neutral brand perception. Both CNN and MSNBC were well in the negatives.

“CNN’s negative acceleration point happened in mid-October 2016, around the time Anderson Cooper interviewed Melania Trump, notably discussing her husband’s famous ‘Access Hollywood’ tape,” YouGov’s Ted Marzilli notes.

“Also at that time, a local North Carolina Republican office was firebombed, causing conservative-leaning media to pounce on CNN for suggesting Trump’s rhetoric spurred the incident.”

He concludes: “The big picture — going back to early 2016 — shows the possible toll particular news events, and being the recipient of incessant Trump bashing, may have taken on CNN.”

Trump has consistently singled out CNN for criticism, calling the network “fake news” — one of Trump’s favorite labels for hostile news outlets.

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