Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sack Heads Radio Show, 3-22-2017

Just when you thought it was safe to get back into the water, boom, the SHR shark looms and you realize, "damn, I'm gonna need a bigger show."

You asked, we listened and provided. Honestly entitled the "Donde Esta Shaun?" commemorative installment, Sack Heads Clint and Sack Heads BZ wrestled with the problem of having to deal with the absence of a key member and then pulled out all the stops. Included in this exhibition are words such as "wood pussy," "tutu," "groin pull" and even "ameliorate." **

Clint and BZ discuss:

  • The real reason Sack Heads Shaun isn't here;
  • Getting stranded on a desert island with Shaun has its good points;
  • UK Islamic terror strikes in London, killing 5, injuring 40 +;
  • Banning assault cars?
  • History: the M-1 Garand in WWII;
  • National concealed-carry permits;
  • We discuss the word "cheeky" with Chiqi;
  • Kakking on the air for ratings;
  • First on-air Kiss between Sack Heads Clint and Sack Heads BZ;
  • Devin Nunes reveals information about "inadvertent" Trump surveillance;
  • What does the FISA court do?
  • Judge Napolitano is removed from Fox News;
  • Who is James Comey?
  • Jason Chaffetz vs an FBI Assistant Director on privacy;
  • Judge Watson in Hawaii halts Trump's second travel Executive Order;
  • SCOTUS nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch is bulletproof;
  • Another SCOTUS opening relatively soon?
  • History: Japanese midget subs at Pearl Harbor;

Come back next Wednesday for the "best in late night talk radio," when Sack Heads Shaun and Sack Heads Clint bring their collective rapier-like wits to the studio whilst Sack Heads BZ wonders just how the hell those two make it look so damned easy.

** Okay, I lied about the word "ameliorate." It is nowhere to be found in this episode.

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