Friday, May 12, 2017

Comey firing could start new review of Clinton case, immunity deals

Barack Obama severely politicized the Justice Department and the FBI. They became as subject to the invented narratives of the left as the rest of Washington and the legacy media. James Comey succumbed to the environmental pressure, and became a creature of those narratives, too.

Firing Comey won't fix the problem, though. Several layers of Washington must be stripped away and replaced by objective, non-partisan personnel--if they are replaced at all.

An unspoken, but fascinating aspect of the  Comey firing was how surprised the press corps was. There were no leaks. Could it be that Trump has either plugged the leaks, or succeeded in obfuscating his intentions behind a series of false trails? It would appear so.

Firing Comey was a good first step. Next should be a serious investigation into the unmasking of private citizens by government officials, an investigation of the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and a true, public accounting of the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal.

From Fox News:

President Trump’s decision to fire James Comey touched off widespread speculation in Washington over what will happen to the FBI’s Russia meddling probe – but the prospect of new leadership at the bureau also could hold implications for the ‘closed’ Hillary Clinton email case.

Brian Weidner, a veteran former FBI agent, suggested both the case and the immunity deals struck during that investigation could be revisited.

“I would be surprised if they did not review all the investigations regarding HRC and come up with [a] conclusion regarding prosecution. The statute of limitations hasn’t come into play yet,” he said in an email to Fox News.

As for the immunity deals struck with key players in the Clinton orbit, he noted those deals are “with the government, so in theory it wouldn’t change.”

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