Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Impeach Trump? Liberal media profiting from anti-Trump clickbait stories

The liberal media is profiting from its Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

From Fox News:

Before Facebook battled “fake news,” it went to war with outrageous clickbait stories. It lost -- to the very news outlets who are supposed to be keepers of journalistic integrity.

At least those news outlets aren’t truly making up stories. They are just hyping ridiculous, implausible and divisive stories as a way of making money and undermining the president.

The news media’s anti-Trump fixation has blossomed into a business model for a struggling industry. The more outlandish the headline, the more people click on it and the more ad revenue it generates. That’s also the precise model for clickbait.

The latest craze has been the push to impeach President Donald Trump. It won’t happen, yet so-called news outlets are sending out a tidal wave of digital data on the topic -- stories, videos, tweets and more. Put the word “impeachment” in a headline and watch traffic skyrocket. It’s the same strategy that has driven everything from internet memes to the NeverTrumpers.

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