Monday, February 29, 2016

Fomenting Freedom Hosts Robert Stacy McCain on Leap Day at 2PM ET

On the February 29th, Fomenting Freedom Leap Day show, Jeff Dunetz and Tami Jackson will interview Robert Stacy McCain a conservative journalist who was suspended from Twitter, for the horrible crime of giving his opinion.

Stacy (that's what his friend's call him)  has fallen victim to a problem with most social media today, which is they do their damndest to censor conservatives. It’s up to all of us to fight to get him back on twitter–because if Twitter is allowed to get away with banning Stacy McCain for free speech, they will be able to ban any of us for basically anything.

On his website The Other McCain Stacy explained what happened ten days ago
Unexpectedly, and without explanation, my @rsmccain Twitter account was suspended Friday evening. Based on past experiences, my guess would be that this resulted from a complaint by one of the leading “social justice warriors” (SJWs) who have been at war with #GamerGate since August 2014. However, there was no reason stated for the suspension, and who knows? So I’ve switched to the@SexTroubleBook account I created to promote my book and meanwhile, friends who are fed up with Twitter’s bias and censorship started the #FreeStacy hashtag
You see, Stacy was tossed off of Twitter for providing his opinion of #GamerGate

A veteran journalist and conservative commentator, Robert Stacy McCain is also a public speaker, author and communications consultant (and someone I am proud to call friend). He is a frequent contributor to The American Spectator and is co-author (with Lynn Vincent) of Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party (2006, Nelson Current). His latest book,  Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature, was published in February 2015.

From 1997 to 2008, McCain was a writer and editor for The Washington Times. In March 2008, he launched his individual blog, The Other McCain. The original Blogspot site recorded more than 1 million total visits in its first year of full-time operation and eclipsed the 3-million visit mark in November 2009. He was joined by co-blogger Smitty in March 2009. And in November 2010, the site reached the 5-million-visit milestone. 

Stacy is not one to make the story about himself as he once said on his site, he prefers to tell the story rather than be the story.  However because Stacy McCain will never back down from telling the truth, this time he is the story.

Listen at 2PM ET on the SHR Media as Jeff, Tami, and Stacy discuss what Twitter is up to with their "Safety Council" and the continuance of the #FreeStacy campaign. Plus, other conservatives are leaving twitter as the Progressive Thought Police throw their weight around. Remember at 2PM Eastern every Monday, Tune in to Fomenting Freedom with Tami Jackson and Jeff Dunetz, at And while listening, come into the chat room and ask questions or comment.

Follow Tami at @tamij on Twitter, and me at @yidwithlid and ... well, if Twitter hasn't banned us for being wild-eyed, radical constitutionalists!

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