Sunday, February 28, 2016

Our University System and the Future of America

Over the past 100 years or so, our university system has slowly evolved away from being an honored venue of higher learning and encouragement of a rational, analytical thought process, into being a methodical, diabolical, Communist brainwashing machine.

On campus, our university students are bombarded daily with a bitter, upside down concept of social justice, a warped sense of entitlement and an overarching notion of so-called political correctness.

All of these socially engineered concepts are fundamental principles contained within Cultural Marxism, a movement first created by Vladimir Lenin because he truly believed in the political philosophy of Karl Marx who taught that the entire world would eventually transition to full blown Communism.

Cultural Marxism is defined as the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values upon which it is built.

To quickly achieve the goal of world domination, Lenin argued that the Communists would have to infiltrate and corrupt the traditional family, schools, churches, entertainment, media, civic organizations, science, literature and actually re-write human history.

In Lenin’s plan, everything about Western civilization was to be endlessly attacked, mocked and ridiculed, and the ultimate blame for every dilemma confronting mankind was to be assigned to the failings of Western culture and Capitalism.

In American society today, Cultural Marxism is indeed the undergirding foundation that propels political correctness, social justice and the entitlement mentality.

I witnessed this first hand as a political science professor at UCLA (my alma mater), during classroom discussions, campus protests, faculty lounge conversations and even in the grading process.

For instance, I always graded research papers based on content, theme, progression, continuity, proper grammar, and writing style.

To me it didn't really matter which side of the political continuum my students adopted in their writing, so long as they presented sound arguments from their individual perspective.

And, as their professor, I never allowed my students to know where my personal sentiments lay along that Liberal/Conservative political spectrum.

Over the years, I received a few personal threats from disgruntled, entitlement mentality students if I didn't give them a higher grade.

I likewise received a few horrible professor reviews, probably from those same disgruntled students.

But, I NEVER changed a grade as a result of a personal threat or a bad review.

And I always taught my university students THE TRUTH, no matter how rude or out of touch it was perceived to be by them, due to the inculcation of Cultural Marxism they had received from other so-called scholars.

Today, most professors are mega-liberal and want to indoctrinate their students into accepting Cultural Marxism and a Communist utopian view of ordering society.

They literally want to put their brain into the heads of their students and create Communist robots.

I offered my university students the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, then encouraged them to think analytically for themselves, in order to discover if I was actually telling them the truth.

Motivating our college students to think analytically, using a rational thought process, is and should be a core fundamental of higher learning.

And we desperately need to return to this basic, philosophical foundation in our universities before it’s too late and our nation is destroyed by a Communist transformation.

Jesus Christ warned his followers that they would be persecuted for their belief in Him.

As such, they would have to fight to preserve their Christian faith because it would be under constant assault and in jeopardy of fading away or being forcibly taken from them.

Similarly, the Founding Fathers warned patriotic citizens that their individual liberty and the longevity of the newly created Democratic Constitutional Republic could be fleeting entities.

Both would be under constant assault by tyrants whose ambition would be to steal personal freedom, destroy the American political system and enslave human beings.

Remember, our democratic form of government is always just one generation away from extinction, and this is precisely why patriotic American citizens must be vigilant and constantly struggle to preserve our beloved nation and our sacred, individual liberty.

Communism ALWAYS FAILS and it eviscerates the lives of everyone along the path to its own inevitable collapse, but good men and women still must boldly stand, face and aggressively defeat this Communist enemy.

As true American Patriots we must prevent the all-consuming misery that infiltrates a nation during a temporary Communist Dictatorship.

Remember, in America it is not only our right to question authority and government actions, it is our duty to do so.

We actively monitor and query our own government to protect our freedom and to ensure the continued, peaceful longevity of our Democratic Constitutional Republic.

I truly believe that America is God’s shining city set upon a hill for all to see.

We are the last, best hope for all mankind.

Let Freedom Ring
God Help Us

Speak the Truth
Endure the Consequences

Randy Arrington, PhD

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