Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sack Heads After Dark 2.24.16

Well, what can we say? Some feathers MAY HAVE got ruffled this evening on the show. We were in rare form, and actually aggravated some of our listeners (whom we love dearly). But, it was all in the name of vetting candidates and having discussions that NEED to be had. We have said before, we NEED to have good discourse in this nation in order to preserve our republic. With that being said, here are tonight's topics:

1. The Guantanamo Bay Olympics - did we go too far? YES! But, we would do it again in a minute!
2. Georgia Supreme Court  - the KKK wants to adopt Black top?
3. Disputed Island in the South China Sea - Here is a hint, it is NO long disputed.
4. South Carolina Primary/Nevada Caucus - We give our opinion on both events & the candidates.
5. Hillary and the Email - The evidence maybe mounting, but the AG hints at something...
6. Supreme Court Nominations - Someone get the GOP some back Viagra, quick!

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