Monday, March 7, 2016

Five Branches of Federal Government

On the 4th of March 1789 the Constitution of the Untied States of America formally went into effect, after first being ratified by the thirteen sovereign states.

In this document, the Founding Fathers created three branches of Federal Government, outlining all of the various constraints and limitations on the enumerated powers that these governing bodies would possess and use as they governed our fledgling nation.

But since 1932, these three branches of Federal Government have morphed into five branches of Federal Government: the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary, the Bureaucracy, and the Media. This transformation has not been a positive outcome, and in its current form it does not bode well for the continued, peaceful longevity of America.

Today, the Legislative Branch of our federal government has evolved into a bunch of lazy millionaires in both houses of Congress. These elected, so-called elites don't even write or read proposed laws anymore. The majority of the members of Congress merely wait on draft bills to be handed down to them from the Executive Branch. These pieces of legislation are usually written by political activists and professional lobbyists. The new modus operandi for sitting Members of Congress is simply to engage in pompous displays of delay and amendment with regard to governing and problem solving. Of course Senators and Representatives spend a great amount of their time doing TV interviews for their adoring media cohorts and being fawned over by various activist groups that have similar ideological views. Their only true purpose is to do whatever is required to ensure their own re-election.

Most Senators and Representatives have never held a job for any significant length of time outside the political arena, they do not truly care about solving national problems, and they literally loathe the people in their constituency because they are forced to interact and pander to these “commoners” during their re-election campaign.

The Executive Branch, with Barack Obama at the helm, is now a dictatorship engaged in soft tyranny turning quickly towards hard, entrenched despotism. The Chief Executive sets the legislative agenda for Congress during his State of the Union speech. Later, when he doesn't get what he wants, President Obama simply bypasses Congress by making passionate appeals to his voting base, denigrating the political adversaries on his enemies list, and through the use of and endless array of Executive Orders, most of which are illegal and in direct violation of our Constitution.

Obama and his supportive minions then offer an unlimited amount of lies, political spin and propaganda to confuse people and cover the president’s tracks. Machiavelli would be so proud of Obama.

Our Judicial Branch has turned from upholding our Constitution into a highly partisan, activist body that actually makes laws using judicial activism, adhering vehemently to their personal agenda and political ideology. The Federal Courts System has very little to do with the dissemination of actual justice; it is now focused on social justice, a term that emanates from Cultural Marxism.

The Fourth Branch of our government is the mammoth, Leviathan Federal Bureaucracy. German sociologist Max Weber taught us that the Bureaucracy is where the real power exists in any government.  These faceless, nameless, unelected entities can exercise overwhelming power and totally control people through their ability to write rules and regulations that have the impact of law. The Bureaucracy is also the formal apparatus of government where laws are implemented and enforced on society.

The Fifth Branch of our Federal Government is the mega-liberal, compliant, mainstream media. No longer is the American media a watchdog for the people. Today's mainstream media actively protects and promotes Obama's Socialist/Communist political agenda as it attempts to brainwash people into compliance. The mainstream media employs powerful propaganda tactics against the weak minded, the losers, and the parasites that constitute an ever-increasing portion of our society.

If they were united, the sovereign states and individual citizens could easily defeat this federal tyranny by decapitating the five-headed Hydra.

The undergirding source of all federal power is not the Constitution; it is the seemingly unlimited supply of money stolen from hard working American citizens, businesses and states that actually gives power to the Federal Government.

Of course this larceny is accomplished through the use of legalized extortion schemes called Federal Taxes, which includes innovative and invasive taxation of all kinds that is designed to steal our individual liberty and provide the Federal Government with its undergirding source of power.

One day when the majority of the good, hard working, contributing citizens of the USA finally wake up and realize that our Federal Government has made a hard left turn toward Socialist/Communist political policies, a tax revolt will commence. This tax revolt, and the resultant withholding of money from the Federal Government will quickly remove the unbridled power away from the governing apparatus in Washington, DC and put that authority back into the hands of it's rightful, legitimate owners, the citizens.

In the not too distant future, true American patriots are going to be forced by the magnitude of circumstances to develop a ruthless resolve as a nation.

When that fateful day finally arrives, we will begin to treat people (domestic and foreign) who want to destroy our country in the callous and coldblooded fashion they deserve.

America’s ultimate survival depends on developing this style of brutal behavior at least until the scourge of the Communist threat (whether from foreign or domestic enemies) subsides and we can return to the normalcy of our peaceful, “sleeping giant” syndrome once again.

Unfortunately, today is not that day but I envision that it is looming out there on the horizon for our great nation.

Let Freedom Ring
God Help Us

Speak the Truth
Endure the Consequences

Randy Arrington, PhD

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