On today's Lid Radio Show we're honored to welcome conservative columnist and blogging superstar John Hawkins. Along with being the person behind Right Wing News and Linkiest, John does weekly appearances on the #1 in it's market Jaz McKay show and writes two weekly columns for Townhall. Additionally, his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, TPNN, Hot Air, The Huffington Post, Human Events, and most importantly, at The Lid.
John was one of the earliest conservative bloggers, and his site Right Wing News (RWN) is always near the top of every list of conservative websites. Along with the conservative commentary, John's RWN work is famous for grabbing the big interview, and my personal favorite; the list post.
Hawkins is one of the most decent people in the blogging world. He has used RWN to give a bigger stage to lesser known writers, is usually the first one to include the person who hasn't been invited to an event, or to rally the community behind people in need, and even created his own set of blogger awards that were given out at CPAC.
John and I will be discussing this crazy presidential race, the way the government is using gun control as way of changing the subject away from terrorism and some of his recent columns including, Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
And by the way, along with Right Wing News and Town Hall, you can follow John on Facebook, and Twitter at RightWingNews
Today’s show at 2PM EDT is going to be GREAT, so make sure to listen by clicking on the SHR Media network link. And while I’m interviewing John, come into the chat room and ask questions or comment.
Oh and along with every Monday on SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio, I can be followed at @yidwithlid on twitter, on Facebook, 5x a week on MRCTV.org, and most importantly on my site, The Lid, for daily political news and commentary.
And if you haven’t signed up for the daily Lid Newsletter please do so by clicking —> http://lidblog.com/subscribe/
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