Monday, June 20, 2016

Talk To The Hand

The left is full of little dictators and hall monitors looking for ways to *bust* us... I am so sick of it.  

With the onslaught of new rules for how we must be politically correct, it is difficult for an old school liberty lover like myself to keep up with the younger generations and their rules.  The new Gender rules..I can't make sense of them.   In my previous years, I refereed to men as "he", and women as "she".  It sort of made sense and so I went with it. 

When I was a kid if we refereed to someone as "IT" that meant they had crawled out from a gutter and they smelled terribly, and they would never get a date.   The mockery went on and on.  In this day and age it seems a though we are being told that "it" is the way most of the youngsters wish to be considered.  Right?  Does anyone else get confused with the new "Gender Neutral" language? 

 It is difficult even for me to say it is English anymore.  It is so awkward and uncomfortable.    It seems  we have made it through the many immigration issues,  battles and many generations to settle upon our shared language (The Brits hate it- but we call it English), so that we can communicate with each other,  share commerce and enjoy a civil society.  What I have come to understand is most important to this generation is that no person is considered a male, or a female. 

 Jobs they don't care about so much- Everything is free, why work.  A civil society is not a concern- they are the protest kids Lou Reed sang about, they have fun tearing society up.  These people want to use the language to usher in a new priority in our culture.  They are guided by old hippies like obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton, who say things like, "It depends on what the definition of IS, is" (See Bill's Impeach trial) 

 I digress...

Seems what progressives want most is  that no one ever understands what IS and what is NOT logical, or agreed upon or sane.  NO, I said it-- Sane. 

 This site  will show you the mental contortions that we are being told is important for us to undertake in our daily lives.  No more concerns about child rearing, liberty, free markets.  NO- we need to make sure we are exhausting everyone's patience  with the use of personal pro-nouns.   We need to know which pronouns are government funded, and which are government sanctioned.  Hmm.. seems to me that if anyone understood their English history enough they would know WE have all been here before. 

 WHO controlled society thru implementing a new language... none other than Hitler.  And so now I lose the internet game, according to Goodwins law (GOD -these people have a rule for everything)  of being the first to invoke Hitler.   But in my world "first is second", and two is bigger than one.  So I win. HA!!

  I mean if we are all going to play childish games of who is King of the Mountain.. Who gets to control the other, THEN I will just declare Prince the winner, because he turned his name into a symbol, became a drug addict and ignored everyone until he died.  Game over.  Let's go crazy. 

  Some people may believe that brain numbing drugs or even one's own  death is the best way to get way from progressive.  (Will they ever shut up?)  No, not I,  I'd rather tell them to "Talk to the Hand" and that they must   address my hand as " Oh Queen of the Universe, I am so sorry to be a twisted progressive- but I ask your permission to speak".   I mean I may as well have fun- if we all have to live like a progressive nut and jump through their hoops.  Today  I identify as a non-tax paying ruler of nutville, and claim that my rules are the law of the land.   It sounds so incredibly stupid, doesn't it?

SO why do we take it from them all of the time?

I think the time has come to push back- and say we have  had enough.  We want Liberty restored in America.   SO- until they change the meaning of "enough" lets all drive THEM crazy.  

Kari Donovan is a repentant progressive, community organizer. A homeschool Mom and a proud Maleist. A rebel with a cause, a liberty minded/obsessed American girl living in North Carolina- because we are first in Freedom. Kari Baxter Donovan @happit1776

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