Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama administration abandons Israel as UN passes anti-Israeli resolution

The Obama legacy continues - a complete lack of intestinal fortitude to do what is right.

Instead of casting a veto to support Israel, the Obama administration abstained allowing the UN Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements and continuing construction in Palestinian territory as a flagrant violation of international law.

The homes, markets, schools etc. are on land lost by Jordan after attacking Israel in 1976, similar to the Golan and Sinai lost by attacking Syrians and Egyptians, respectively. The latter was returned to Egypt, in "peace treaty"; the former will never be returned due to security concerns.

There was never a Palestinian state (declined by Arabs in 1948) nor is there a viable representative negotiating partner for Israel. There is, however, persistent Arab terrorism and anti-Semitic BDS movements aimed at eliminating the only democracy and pro-western ally in the region.

The UN, EU and all other critics of Israel should apply their same "standards" of concerns to numerous other nefarious countries like China, Russia, Cuba, Syria, Turkey, the Arab League, et. al.

Leave the Jews alone, for once. They have not been eliminated by pogroms, Holocaust, wars, terrorism, boycotts etc. Israel certainly won't be defeated by prejudicial declarations from the UN (or Obama administration).

Read the full article at High Plains Pundit.

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