Saturday, January 21, 2017

Man featured In Project Veritas inauguration video arrested

The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington DC announced an arrest has been made in a Conspiracy to Commit an Assault offense that occurred in the 500 block of 14th Street, Northwest. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that several individuals made plans to disrupt inauguration activities in an unlawful way.

On Thursday, January 19, 2017, pursuant to a DC Superior Court arrest warrant, 34-year-old Scott Ryan Charney of Northwest, DC, was arrested in the area of 14th and Newton Streets, Northwest, and charged with Conspiracy to Commit an Assault.

This investigation is ongoing. There are other individuals involved in the conspiracy, and they are still outstanding.

In the video, Project Veritas investigators uncover a group known as the DC Anti-fascist Coalition allegedly plotting to disrupt President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration by deploying butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for January 19th.

The meeting, captured on hidden camera, was held at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizza restaurant that is better known as the location of the Pizzagate conspriracy theory controversy. The coalition members discuss the steps they would need to take to halt the Deploraball event.

Project Veritas notified the FBI, Secret Service and DC Metro Police of the content of this video prior to its release.

DisruptJ20 released a statement claiming that they knew about the Project Veritas investigators, and that they were just playing along.

"Over the last few weeks, we have exposed four confirmed infiltrators who have tried to integrate themselves into our organizing. These are people who were working with James O’Keefe and Project Veritas. We must make this clear: These groups are doing the dirty work of Nazis, white nationalists, and other groups who are furthering Trump’s assault on vulnerable communities.

"Two infiltrators appeared at an antifascist organizing meeting and immediately fell under suspicion due to their vague backstories, poor education about our movement, and unusual dress. Social media checks showed that one, Tarah. Tarah, who called herself “Tarah,” was a failed actress who was friends on Facebook with James O’Keefe.

"One of these infiltrators was someone calling himself “Tyler.” Due to suspicions, the organizers initiated their vetting process with a false flag operation. Our allies at the DC Antifascist Coalition met with Tyler. Because they thought it would be a humorous venue, they arranged to meet with Tyler at Comet Ping Pong, which has recently been targeted by right-wing fake news outlets. Though the coalition members did not know who he was working for, they knew Tyler was not who he said he was.

"So, they met in advance of their meeting with Tyler, and planned to gave him false information about the what they felt was the most humorous red herring available: a false plot to use stink bombs at an event called the Deploraball with the so-called “Alt Right.” Tyler, as it turned out, was recording a video for Project Veritas.

"False plans were discussed with Tyler. They spoke of false plans in order to protect themselves, and did not discuss any real intentions. It is laughable that Project Veritas believes that organizers would discuss secret “stink bomb’ plans with an unknown individual in a public venue. Project Veritas’ lack of judgement portrays the poor quality of their work.

"The group had however purchased tickets to the Deploraball for the purpose of video taping.

“'The group had no intention of causing any damage or disruption at the Deploraball,' said one of our organizers, who appears in the Veritas video. 'Instead, the intent was to capture on video any compromising moments from the performers or speakers, such as the Nazi salutes that similar groups gave in November, broadcast widely by The Atlantic.'

"Other infiltrators include Marissa, who, using her real first name, appeared at a small planning meeting on Saturday, January 7, with brown hair and all-American demeanor. Then the same woman appeared with dyed neon red hair and heavy gothic makeup to our DisruptJ20 Action Camp on Saturday, January 14. She was recognized immediately and promptly escorted away from the event.

"At every meeting, we reaffirm our commitment to not harming anyone. We stand by our principles and are committed to building the broadest possible resistance to Trump’s agenda," the group said.

James O'Keefe responded to DisruptJ20's statement:

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