Monday, January 23, 2017

Obama's parting lie

[Originally published by BZ at Bloviating Zeppelin.]

Serial liars, like serial arsonists or serial wife-beaters, have a compulsion that frequently cannot be suppressed. Such is the case with Hillary Rodham Clinton, as is the case with Barack Hussein Obama, former president. From the
Obama’s Final Whopper as President by John Fund He claimed that other countries don’t have voter-ID laws, though many do. President Obama is known for telling some whoppers — “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” is perhaps the most infamous – so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he told a final one as president right before leaving office last week. At his final press conference, Obama promised that he would continue to fight voter-ID laws and other measures designed to improve voting integrity. The U.S. is “the only country among advanced democracies that makes it harder to vote,” he claimed. “It traces directly back to Jim Crow and the legacy of slavery, and it became sort of acceptable to restrict the franchise. . . . This whole notion of election-voting fraud, this is something that has constantly been disproved. This is fake news.”
Okay, stop right there. I have, just on my blog, example after example after example, many on video, of blatant examples of voter fraud. I haven't even referenced the James O'Keefe Project Veritas voter fraud videos. So just stop, Obama. But you can't. You don't have it in you. You are mentally incapable of telling the truth. Your Brain Housing Group simply isn't wired that way.
The argument over whether or not there is voter fraud will rage on, in part because the Obama administration has spent eight years blocking states from gaining access to federal lists of non-citizen and other possibly illegal voters. Even so, there is abundant evidence that voter fraud is easy to commit. The Heritage Foundation’s website contains hundreds of recent examples of people convicted of stealing votes.
Voter fraud, thy name is California. I wrote that, in my estimation, Hillary Clinton was able to win the popular vote simply because of the existence of California. Further, that a massive amount of votes for HRC resulted from illegals having access to and taking advantage of voting in California.
But Obama’s first statement — that the U.S. is unique in trying to enforce ballot integrity — is demonstrably false. All industrialized democracies — and most that are not — require voters to prove their identity before voting. Britain was a holdout, but last month it announced that persistent examples of voter fraud will require officials to see passports or other documentation from voters in areas prone to corruption.
Idea: use this article for reference when an uninformed Leftist begins the standard Jim Crow argument against voter ID. Or you can show them this video:


Please note: all the Caucasoids are ignorant and biased.


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