The Republican Party will be forever changed by Donald Trump's campaign.
A huge chunk of the electorate (the "basket of deplorables" as Hillary Clinton calls them) have lost faith in both major parties to fairly and democratically represent the people and provide productive and fair leadership.
Trump, or perhaps others inspired by Trump, may start a third party that will take the best of the old Republican and Democratic organizations -- the patriotism, the desire to make America the greatest nation on earth, small efficient government and faster growing private businesses, trade treaties negotiated by top experts dedicated to benefiting the United States, alliances that are not one-sided, and a reluctance to involve ourselves in foreign conflicts except where we are directly threatened.
Hillary was representative of the old guard, the corrupt and sleazy power mongers who think of the people as idiots to be exploited and ruled, rather than as the citizens of a great Republic whom they the politicians exist to serve. Her alligator smile was, to me, rather disagreeable and four years of that is possibly more than many of us can take. I'll not be watching too many of her speeches, if she gets in.
Continue reading the full article at High Plains Pundit.
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