Saturday, August 14, 2021

BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 8-5-21: JACK ALEXANDER returns to the Saloon

Hours 1, 2 & 3: BZ went into overtime because there was so much ripe material to review and exploit tonight with JACK ALEXANDER of the Jack Alexander Experiment! Here are just a few of the featured audio cuts. Including this story that should create much hate and contretemps against God Emperor Fauci.
Watchdog Report: Fauci Spent Nearly Half A Million In Taxpayer Dollars On Abusive Experiments On Dogs by Maggie Hroncich, 8-5-21 The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, spent $424,455 in taxpayer funds on experiments to infest beagles with parasite-carrying flies, even though the procedure had already been extensively tested on other animals. White Coat Waste Project, the government watchdog group that obtained the documents, found that about half of Fauci’s $6 billion budget was used for animal experimentation, including the abusive dog experiment. The Daily Caller reported the NIAID task order showed “28 beagles were to be allowed to develop infections for three months before being euthanized for blood collection. The dog experiments are set to be completed by January 2022, however, the task order states that the beagles are to be euthanized 196 days after the start of the study. According to emails obtained by WCW, the study began on Nov. 12, 2020, meaning the beagles would have been scheduled to be euthanized in June 2021.” The documents further revealed that the experiments were not necessary because scientists had already performed similar tests on various other animals. “Experimenters admit this investigational drug, ‘has been extensively tested and confirmed … in different animal models such as mice … Mongolian gerbils … and rhesus macaques,'” the group found. Records obtained by the FOIA request show the dogs “vocalized pain” during the experiments.
I found myself gobsmacked. Then there was the racist Cori Bush, Demorat from Missouri, who couldn't possibly be more belittling or insulting. After all, it's every bit about her because you mean nothing, you ridiculous little peons. Another immured take.


Missouri Demorat Cori Bush: a massive hypocrite and proud of it. I speak Leftist, so I'll translate: "I'm better than you, more important than you, and don't have to live by your petty little rules, with your petty little lives. Fuck y'all." 

JACK and BZ also talked about Australia's insane lockdown, three mile limit, Alberta gets out of lockdown mode, the CDC magically becomes the Fourth Branch of US government, and more! Listen to see! 

Due to a lack of internet horsepower at the home of Mrs BZ, I can no longer create video of the show, but the audio is available here on Spreaker — at the links below. 

Click the yellow button to begin listening. 

Because the internet fails with regularity at my wife’s domicile, which now houses the SHR Media studio, 

Part II continues: 

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not. Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.” 



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