Since Barack Obama took office and began radicalizing the party in 2008, Democrat control as a whole has been on the decline across the country.
From the Washington Post:
There's a certain type of pedant who gets mad if you use the word "decimated" inaccurately, the accurate usage being that it refers to the culling of a tenth of something, hence the prefix deci- which, as we all know, is a Latin-born numeric reference blah blah blah pedants am I right.
When I use the term "decimate" in reference to what's happened to the Democratic Party in the era of Barack Obama, I admit that I am using the word in a way that would annoy those same pedants. After all, the number of Democrats in Congress and in state leadership positions has dropped far more than 10 percent since 2008.
Chris Cillizza wrote about the sorry state of the Democratic bench after Tuesday, pointing out that a bad situation got much worse with the Donald Trump-driven failure of the party at the polls. Think of a political party like an Army. To have effective generals, you need to bring leaders up through the ranks. If everyone keeps getting killed off on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of any given November, you're not going to be able to win many battles. The Democrats gained two Senate seats -- in a year that it was long assumed they would regain control of the chamber.Read more......
Every twenty or thirty years, Americans forget how disastrous Progressive governance is and allow themselves to be manipulated into electing radical leftists to office--Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama most recently.
Since Progressive policies would never be accepted at face value, leftists are obliged to lie to us, to manipulate the media, and to use the force of the federal government to coerce compliance. Control over the mechanisms of government and a compliant media confuse Progressives into thinking that they are getting away with it.
The Tuesday elections reminded them that the American people, whom they disparage and observe like zoo animals, are not stupid. Progressive government has been turned out of power for the next 20 or 30 years. Good riddance.
This leaves Democrats threadbare and empty of ideas. They never had new ideas anyway, just tired old ones that didn't work. May they return to the center, so that we again have two parties that care about all Americans.
During the Obama Administration's New Progressive Era, citizens and business somehow became the enemies of our federal government, which launched attacks on us and our rights verbally, legally, and in regulation. The net effect of this was to concentrate power and wealth in Washington and among the smug liberal elites who are certain they know what is best for all of us and that, in our ignorance, we should be forced to comply.
This is expressly not the intent of our limited federal government.
The voters rejected this agenda by voting for the Great Disruptor, Donald Trump. In truth, they would have done it sooner if not stymied by the Progressive narrative that voting against Obama was "racist." Okay, Progressives, you got away with that one, but no more.
America does not want to be ruled by a smug, know-it-all Progressive elite that seizes control of the federal government to force us to align with their false leftist narratives.
If Democrats want to be relevant again, they should try using the actual methods of science--assess what works and why, and advocate for more of it--instead of trying to twist and distort isolated facts to fit a predetermined ideological narrative. Leftist economics does not work. It has never worked. It cannot work.
By all indications, the Democratic Party that should be “relieved” is tacking even farther left, perhaps to approach the excess of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in Britain. Schumer signaled this unambiguously by his support of hyper-lib Keith Ellison to head the DNC.
Now, that normally would be a godsend to us in what remains a center-right country; but, like so much else, it really depends on Donald Trump and our undivided Republican government to do two things: 1) succeed at getting our government to actually WORK again, and 2) create the conditions for an economic renaissance that lifts middle-class boats materially.
If they don’t succeed at both, the people will toss them out as they rendered Dems irrelevant to our governance: and the Democratic Party that will be there to catch the pieces will be a VERY liberal one.
We can’t let undivided Republican government fail. But if we succeed, we could own government for a generation.
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